Organ Donation Possible At Any Age

Renewing a driver’s license or revising a living will likely raise the question of whether or not to become an organ donor.  Older adults often wonder if their organs would be suitable for donation and it may surprise some to know that people of all ages, including those over 50, 60 or even 70, can still be eligible organ donors and recipients.   With more seniors putting themselves on the organ donation list, wait times for those who need a transplant could be shortened and many lives saved.

Perfect health is not a requirement for donation,  the ability to donate organs and tissue are evaluated at the time of death.  Thanks to better diets, active living and medical advances, older adults are living longer, healthier lives and many are able to be organ donors and recipients much longer than they might believe. Many of those waiting for transplants are over 50, in  2014 more than 60 per cent of people who received transplants in the United States were over the age of 50.

It is important to know that patient care will not change when medical staff is informed that you are a donor, the first priority is to save lives.  The medical staff on call to respond to emergencies is completely separate from any transplant team.

Donating your body after death can save more than eight lives in addition to helping patients recover from injuries such as burns, spinal damage, hearing and vision loss.  There is no financial cost to your family to donate.

In most cases, an open casket funeral is still possible after organ, tissue or eye donation.  Throughout the whole process, all those involved strive to treat each body with proper care, respect and dignity.

People of all ages can still be eligible organ donors and recipients. Share on X

To learn more about becoming an organ donor visit the Government of Canada website at: .

Be sure to talk with your loved-ones about your wish to be an organ donor following death so they are prepared and know your wishes to give one final gift.