Movember Raises Funds for Men’s Health

November, like so many months this year, will fly by, and soon the winter holidays will have arrived.  But before you start checking off your shopping list, don’t forget to schedule regular medical screenings and take care of your mental health.  Men, in particular, may be resistant when it comes to taking action to manage their health.  Men’s Health Awareness Month (Movember) helps raise awareness about men’s cancers and combat stereotypes surrounding mental health treatment. 

The 2021 Movember campaign not only raises funds for men’s health projects globally, but the movement encourages men to shrug off stigmas surrounding mental health treatment and take steps to care for their overall well-being.  To show support of Movember, men can grow a mustache, take part in Move For Movember, or get involved by hosting a Mo-Ment to raise money while having fun with friends.

According to the Movember website, men are dying too young from prostate and testicular cancer and as a result of suicide.  By 2030, the charity hopes to change the face of men’s health and reduce the number of premature deaths by 25 percent.   In 2020, Movember funded 24 projects to support the mental health and well-being of men and boys and help address the long-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.  The charity also continues to fund the development of the PUR (Prostate Urine Risk) test to give doctors a new tool to determine the likelihood of a patient needing prostate cancer treatment within a five-year span. 

Depression affects millions of men each year and is a leading cause of disability but many men, especially older adults, avoid seeking treatment because they feel that mental health problems are a sign of weakness.  By raising awareness and busting the myths surrounding depression, more men will be empowered to seek help.  Untreated depression is the greatest risk factor among men for suicide.  Learn more about symptoms and risk factors of depression, or take an online stress test or self-check by visiting Heads Up Guys

Find events near you to support men’s health or sign up to host an event by following this link to the Movember website.  There are also many virtual events to participate in including online trivia nights and a Facebook live Kara-MO-Ke Extravaganza.