Grandkids for Hire With New App

Seniors who don’t have children or grandchildren living nearby have a new option when they need a little companionship, a ride or help at home from someone younger. Grandkids On-Demand is the slogan of a new app designed to bring young people together with older adults in a mutually beneficially relationship.

More than 10,000 Americans turn 65 each day and by 2030, older adults will make up 20 per cent of the population.  Nearly a third of seniors live alone and without family and friends close by, may suffer from social isolation and loneliness.  Even seniors who still are able to drive and take care of their own daily needs may want to visit with a younger person, get help with new technology or require assistance with meal preparation.   

A new company called Papa is connecting seniors with Pals, usually college students, who can provide help with a number of tasks including chores around the house, grocery shopping, pet care or accompanying a senior to an appointment.  The platform is simple to use by calling an 800 number, downloading a mobile app or using an online portal.   Monthly memberships start at $15 and the rate is $15 per hour including 10 miles of transportation. Each Pal is thoroughly screened with multiple background checks and there is no minimum hour commitment.  Papa allows seniors to schedule even same-day visits quickly and easily.

Whether an older adults wants a student companion to organize the kitchen cupboards, play a board game or record a family history, a Papa Pal can help.  And not only will students earn a little extra money while in college, they will benefit by interacting with an older adult who has a lifetime of knowledge and experience to share.  The service is currently available in Florida but expansion plans are underway for other states.  Learn more by visiting the Papa website here