There has been much debate about the health benefits of drinking a glass or two of red wine daily. It may not be the fountain of youth once believed, however the healing properties of wine are still being investigated.
The latest research out of Brock and McMaster Universities in Ontario have uncovered cancer killing properties in red wine.
Although the research only studies lung cancer cells, it is exciting news which may lead to clinical trials in cancer patients. If testing in mice demonstrates a reduction in tumor size, the research is expected to continue on humans.
Both white and red wine were used in the study, and although both stopped the spread of lung cancer, the reds were more effective and worked in smaller concentrations. The polyphenol resveratrol found in red wine is credited with this cancer halting effect.
The same antioxidant is thought to help the heart by preventing blood clots and raising good cholesterol while lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol.
But as with anything, moderation is key. Too much alcohol of any kind can be harmful.
It is recommended that both men and women over 65 limit their daily intake of wine to a single 5 oz glass. If wine is not to your taste, the same goes for beer (12 ounces) and spirits (1.3 ounces).