There has been a great deal of discussion in the media lately about the potential health benefits of coconut oil. It has been touted as a cure-all for everything from canker sores to dry skin. It can be used as a furniture polish or a cooking ingredient. It it inexpensive and readily available but could it possibly be a treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease?
There are currently 44 million people worldwide diagnosed with Alzheimer’s according to the 2014 World Alzheimer’s report. That number is expect to grow to 135 million by the year 2050. There is no cure for Alzheimer’s and the medical treatment is limited.
Many people are looking to alternative treatments to stave off the progression of dementia. Music therapy, pet therapy and diet are some of the areas researchers are investigating. While there is no conclusive evidence yet, it is thought that coconut oil may provide an alternate fuel to feed the brain in Alzheimer’s patients. The progression of the disease interrupts the supply of glucose which normally provides nourishment to the brain. This may not cure dementia but it could help with symptoms and extend quality of life.
The first wave of baby boomers turned 65 in 2011; there may not be time to find a cure before the impact of Alzheimer’s is felt world wide. The good news is that there are steps you can take right now to help reduce your risk of developing dementia.
1. Care for your heart – what is good for the heart is also good for the brain
2. Keep physically active
3. Eat a healthy diet
4. Keep socially active
5. Challenge your brain
You can find detailed information on prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care at
Alzheimers Prevention: The Time is Now